Carpet made for a villa in the United States

This carpet 6m x 21.5 m (129 m2) in wool was made for a villa in the United States internationally renowned architects William McDonough and William Sofield.

Photo of the exterior of the Villa

the magazine HOUSE & GARDEN of January 2002 made a multi-page article on the villa.

Below are the photos of the magazine HOUSE & GARDEN taken in the villa.

Excerpt from HOUSE & GARDEN magazine article:
A single huge custom Tibetan Carpet covers the communal areas of the house. The rug change color and pattern along its length, infusing each space with a unique character. In the dining room, opposite page, the colors are darker than in the living room, to give the space more intimacy.

The carpet was so long that we had to unroll it on a basketball court to do the finishing touches.

We made a second carpet for this Villa of 6m x 6m.

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